Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Daily Reading: January 21, 2009

Most of the news today concerns the market rally, Obama's first full day in office, and Tim Geithner's confirmation hearing.

Let me pose a question:

In 4 years, at the end of Obama's term, will his supporters be disappointed to find that the country is largely identical to what it was in 2009? The poor are not going to become rich because of Obama. The rich are not going to become poor because of Obama. We are still going to have energy problems. Iran is still going to hate Israel and by extension the U.S. Etc. Etc....
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that the country will progress to a certain degree under Obama's watch. He is smart, thoughtful, ambitious, and is armed with a lot of political capital and goodwill. But his supporters seem to view his election to the presidency as equivalent to the second coming of the Messiah. I am curious to see their reaction when it becomes obvious that he is merely a mortal.

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