Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Daily Reading: January 20, 2009

The Federal Reserve Bank is now a leveraged hedge fund. WSJ.

It is inauguration day and mood in Washington appears festive. WSJ.

Warren Buffett has publically expressed his opinion about the future prospects of stock investing four times in his career. Whitney Tilson posted all four articles in one pdf on his website. If you read nothing else this week, please read these.

Dr. Doom thinks we are far from the end of the banking crisis. Bloomberg.

Gloom and Doom for the S&P 500. Bloomberg. When reading this type of material, it is important to think about where we will be 5 years from now; not where we will be 5 months from now. Base your investment decisions on long-term corporate performance, not on the latest 6 month economic forecast.

What vocations will be most affected by Obama's 3 million jobs goal? Forbes tries to answer that question.

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