Monday, November 24, 2008

Daily Reading

Reading is of the utmost importance to any successful investor. Warren Buffett says to "read everything." As you saw in the Investment Analysis post, we spend a great deal of time reading company specific reports. But it is also important to be aware of general business and economic news.

I am going to have a 'Daily Reading' post, ironically enough, daily. It will contain a number of the articles I feel are appropriate for all investors. I plan to edit the post throughout the day adding new links as I find them. Enjoy.

Citigroup receives government bailout.

A great post by a friend of mine about crude oil.

A Wall Street Journal article about the Federal Reserve's monetary policy tools. $$$ requires subscription.

An interesting take on the current market turmoil.

If you are curious about who is receiving funds from the bailout program, check out this interactive tool from the New York Times.

In this NY Times op-ed, Tyler Cowen, of George Mason University, says that most fiscal stimulus policies will do little to aid economic recovery. I agree and tend to think that most fiscal stimulus policies do nothing more than aid in the re-election efforts of our esteemed members of Congress.

The stabilization of home prices is a critical ingredient for the resolution of our economic woes. But as this CNBC article explains, we aren't there yet.

Before you go buy a new SUV read this CNBC article.

The government is going to spend a lot more money. I wonder where it will come from?

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