Thursday, June 19, 2008


For my first post let me provide a quick background.
My name is Jeremy Horn. I am a securities analyst for a life insurance company. In addition, I am the founder and Managing Partner of a private investment partnership. I hold a bachelor's in both finance and accounting and I am a Level III CFA candidate.

My target audience is anyone who is currently, or has future plans of, participating in that wild auction arena we call the stock market. I hope to keep most discussion topics general. I will do my best to avoid esoteric topics such that everyone can read, understand and, most importantly, learn.

I will not discuss securities that are being considered for purchase, are in the process of being purchased, or that have already been purchased for either the insurance company or the investment partnership (I do not trade for a personal account. Besides some mutual funds in 529's for my kids, all of my personal investment is in the partnership). I will use past securities (those that have been sold) for illustrative purposes. NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS INVESTMENT ADVICE OR RECOMMENDATION. We are here to learn how to invest, not to be told what investments to buy.

It is important for me to note that I am unoriginal. You will read nothing here that is the result of extraordinary intelligence or incredible foresight on the part of yours truly. The knowledge I apply to the investment decision-making process, and to this blog, are the result of my study of other extraordinary investors. To name a few: Benjamin Graham, David Dodd, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Philip Fisher, John Burr Williams, etc. It is they who deserve credit for extraordinary intelligence. Consider me nothing more than the conduit through which their knowledge passes to you.

© 2008-2009 Jeremy Horn. All Rights Reserved.